Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Glance Back.. To Look Forward...

Yesterday we said goodbye to summer... well as much as you can say goodbye to summer when you live in Southern California. This summer was a busy one for Kyle, Chloe and I. We moved into a new place, worked on Studio 28.. a lot, did some traveling, and in-between it all managed to have some summer fun. BBQ's, great friends, lazy days and long nights, a surf in the morning a surf in the evening ahhhhhh summer..

We have set some big goals for the remainder of 2009 and the upcoming 2010.. we will definitely have our nose to the grindstones for the next few months to make things happen. Excited to see what the future holds but in the last few hours of summer we feel thankful for the great times, good friends and awesome memories!!

Cheers to more..!

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