Monday, January 26, 2009

Rad Little Chloe Dog!

Chloe was our wedding present from my parents.  Having wanted a dog for a very long time they simply said, when you are ready let us know.  Then one fateful day as I was browsing around on-line, utterly neglecting my  work,  I happened to see these wide eyes staring back at me, and I knew I had found her.  

Chloe is 100% personality.  She is boss.  She has a flair for the dramatic.  She loves to come snuggle up for a good nap.  She will sit, lay down and rollover all in one fluid motion when any sort of treat  materializes.  She makes us laugh everyday and we often find ourselves saying "what did we do before we ever got this dog." 

Kyle calls her "Rad Little Chloe Dog," and biased I may be, but I totally agree!
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