Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Hear It As I See It...

Hey everyone.. sorry the blog has been a bit quiet this past week... Last week we were Bi-Coastal, I was in New York City and Kyle was holding down the fort at home in Southern California! While cruising around the city snapping a few photos, I started to notice a running commentary in my head to post on our blog. "The sun was setting over the city skyline as I strolled down 5th Ave"... I stopped suddenly and thought to myself what am I doing and that's when it hit me. Since we started blogging every place becomes a potential point of interest, to take something routine and make it feel fresh again. Seeing something you might look past or have missed the time before..

I have been to New York plenty of times before, but now as I walk around graffiti I might not have given a second glance, now stands out as something cool that I would wonder how it would photograph. I am totally inspired here, seeing the city and peeling back the multiple layers that are a part of it. An old doorway, street art and graffiti, the empty alleyway, the city has so much that is amazing. To the savvy New Yorker I might look slightly crazy or like a total tourist, toting my camera and mumbling my running blog in my head. I must admit thanks to blogging I am seeing this city in a whole new light!

Take a look at your daily routine.. you might find inspiration in places you would never expect.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Day With Anthony... Lifestyle

Last week our friend Anthony came to us and wanted us to shoot some head shots and lifestyle photos of him. Of course we were "IN" as we love to shoot lifestyle... it is such a laid back and natural style of shooting and it is always so much fun..

We headed out last week around Huntington Beach and had a great time shooting. We hope that he will remember the little people when he makes it big in the modeling industry.. Next step.. maybe a few more shots.. and of course the comp card and then he is on his way.. On that note we say, "Good luck and make sure you don't do to many Zoolander poses when you make it..."

You may also recognize Anthony from the "Brooke & Anthony... Anytime" shoot we did a few months back, make sure you check it out..

Here are some of our favs from the day!! Enjoy...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We All Need A Little Motivation!!

We are glad to announce we have teamed up with our new friend DeNeitra Vincent, from the uber fabulous Savvy Events to help inspire that little extra "oommpphhhh" we all face when challenged with wedding fitness! Getting in shape however takes time and effort, something most brides have a lot of..

Weddings are a lot of work to plan for that most memorable day everyone wants to look and feel their absolute best. When DeNeitra asked us to be a part of the "Get Fit Be Savvy," six-week wedding challenge we happily said, "Of course!"

So here are the details... You must submit (to DeNeitras Team at your starting weight and measurements by THIS Wednesday, August 19, 2009! Don't worry that info is under lock and key with the Savvy Team and will at no time be revealed (whew... sigh of relief). Then wedding fitness is in full effect until September 30th! After careful consideration of the all involved, the Savvy Team will announce the winner on October 5th.

Where do we fit in you ask?! Well, the grand prize is an engagement session we will shoot of the winning couple! For all the info visit DeNeitra at

Go get em!! and good luck!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Teaser...

Here's a sneak peek from another lifestyle shoot we did with Anthony this week.. You might recognize him from the "Brooke & Anthony.. Anytime" shoot we did back in June.. Make sure to check back for the full post coming soon..!!

Cheers to the weekend!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sun... Sand... and a few Frames...

I love the beach, plain and simple. I love the sand in my toes, the music of the waves as they crash against the shore, the kaleidoscope of blue reflected on the water, the unpredictable surf... any day, any time, the beach makes me happy.

When Kyle and I started shooting together I mentioned how much I would love to do a shoot about a girl, a board, and the beach. My friend Ashley agreed to be our model and last week we headed to the beach and did our first lifestyle shoot. Kyle and I had so much fun shooting, experimenting with light and exposures, sun flares, and trying out a new lens; all of it made for a great time with some of my favorite images so far!

I love the beach, plain and simple... and now I have a new love, shooting a girl, a board and the beach... perfection! Here are some of our favorite images from the day.


Monday, August 3, 2009

August - With Both Ears Open

Nothing better than some great music for the month of August..!!
