Monday, April 6, 2009

Here's what I know...

There is always that scene in a movie where the main character has a revelation  that will make it all make sense.  One of my favorites comes from Tom Hanks in Castaway... it is the end of  the movie, the love of his life is married to another man and he has lost her for a second time.   As he is sharing his sentiment to a friend he knows he can keep going because, "tomorrow the sun will rise.  Who knows what the tide could bring?"  

Maybe the beach lover in me is drawn to this quote because I find tides fascinating and they usually predict the  surf, but I also love the theory behind it.  You never know what will come your way, but you do know tomorrow the sun will rise and who knows what will happen.  

Between emails, Twitter, Facebook. blogging, calling and just keeping it all in the air this quote reminds me to stop and look up from my to-do list and look for the unexpected.

And in the spirit of the tropics.. here is a pic from our vacation over the holidays.
